ImageJ+MATLAB based mouse location tracking¶
Functions needed (have entire CIAtah
loaded anyways):
is the tracking function for use in ImageJ, place inplugins
folder. If already hadCIAtah
download Fiji, place in the_external_programs/[Fiji directory]/
is a function to clean-up the ImageJ output.createTrackingOverlayVideo
is a way to check the output from the tracking by overlaying mouse tracker onto the video.
Instructions for ImageJ and Matlab¶
Example screen after running mm_tracking
within ImageJ, click to expand.
After the above screen, there will be multiple other screens culminating in one where a threshold is chosen that is used to remove non-animal pixels from analysis. The threshold matters quite a bit and the script ignores anything that isn't red (i.e. larger than threshold) OR not within the range specified by the parameters below.
The script opens the AVI as a virtual stack and asks for the threshold is so that I can quickly scan through the entire movie to make sure the set threshold works even with slight/major changes in illumination, e.g. the below threshold will work across many frames
If the threshold is set to low, certain frames will not have the animal detected, e.g. if the lighting changes.
Once ImageJ is finished, within Matlab run the following code (cleans up the ImageJ tracking by removing small objects and adding NaNs for missing frames along with making a movie to check output). Modify to point toward paths specific for your data.
% CSV file from imageJ and AVI movie path used in ImageJ
% clean up tracking
[trackingTableFilteredCell] = removeIncorrectObjs(csvPath,'inputMovie',{moviePath});
% make tracking video
% frames to use as example check
inputMovie = loadMovieList(moviePath,'frameList',nFrames);
[inputTrackingVideo] = createTrackingOverlayVideo(inputMovie,movmean(trackingTableFilteredCell.XM(nFrames),5),movmean(trackingTableFilteredCell.YM(nFrames),5));
Example output from 2017_09_11_p540_m381_openfield01_091112017¶
Using createTrackingOverlayVideo
to verify tracking matches animal position on a per frame basis.