Check movie registration before pre-processing with viewMovieRegistrationTest

Users should spatially filter one-photon or other data with background noise (e.g. neuropil). To get a feel for how the different spatial filtering affects SNR/movie data before running the full processing pipeline, run viewMovieRegistrationTest module. Then select either matlab divide by lowpass before registering or matlab bandpass before registering then change filterBeforeRegFreqLow and filterBeforeRegFreqHigh settings, see below.

Within each folder will be a sub-folder called preprocRunTest inside of which is a series of sub-folders called preprocRun## that will contain a file called settings.mat that can be loaded into modelPreprocessMovie so the same settings that worked during the test can be used during the actual pre-processing run.


  • You'll get an output like the below:
    • A: The top left is without any filtering while the other 3 are with different bandpass filtering options.
    • B: Cell ΔF/F intensity profile from the raw movie. Obtain by selecting Analyze->Plot profile from Fiji menu after selecting a square segment running through a cell.
    • C: Same cell ΔF/F intensity profile from the bottom/left movie (note the y-axis is the same as above). Obtained in same manner as B.
